Christian Scholars Should Think Carefully Before Taking Any Statement

Today when we read the Christian books, magazines and websites, we will see some Christian scholars expressed their interpretations of the book of Genesis in the Bible, but they often have some concepts of the theory of evolution in their integrations; for instance, how many million years of Earth’s age and the long history of mankind, and biological genetics and radioactive dating, and so on. Their views and purpose are to tone God’s power of creation in with evolutionism and various scientific theories so as to avoid the contradictions between them. In fact, they depart from the stance of the biblical truth and cater for secular viewpoints; just as some Christians and clergy agree with homosexuality which is disobeying to God’s teachings. Therefore, EMTM hopes Christian scholars should firstly think about the following three questions before they make their statements.

Evolutionists and Atheists Can Not Answer A Simple Question: The Truthful Relation between Order and Chaos

Below, a piece of sculptures expresses the human pride and paranoia, and this also shows the basic attitude with which atheists and evolutionists proclaim their opinions. However, when we think about and discuss the following topic, the complicated theory and associated questions created by atheism and evolutionism will become very simple, so people who have a basic logical thinking can understand that the world did not come from evolution, but it was created by an everlasting God. Here the meaning of a simple question indicates that people who have no educational degrees but can tell Moon is a rounded sphere, and salt is salty, and sugar is sweet, are able to participate in the discussion of the following topic. Through the discussions, we need to understand the relation between order and chaos is not artificial, and it cannot be changed by human consciousness, but it is the objective and truthful relation.

Psychological Analysis on Authors of Myths

Today when we study ancient literature and mythology, merely regard those contents what we fail to understand as superstitious fabricated ones, or as talking about bizarre fantasy-style story. But we do not rethink why we ourselves cannot understand the contents of ancient written records, such as《The Book of Seas and Mountains》from the ancient Chinese. Therefore, we should use the studies on the ancient times as a tool to research why and how the ancient peoples composed those myths which seems like a Double Dutch to the modern people. Here, we propose a new concept: “Mythological Psychology” and we expect those who are interested in this field to participate in the discussion.